Sudden Strike 4 Updates Incoming!

We are delighted to announce that the brilliant Sudden Strike 4 is going to get a number of improvements including the 360 degrees camera with zoom that we personally requested. It's brilliant that developers listen to gamers and take on board our feedback and act on it. No date yet but it's on the way.

We gave the game a 9/10 score that we still say is well deserved. The updates can only make things better. Kalypso have also emailed that they are working hard to bring the PS4 game inline with the PC version.
Take the time to take a look at our review for SS4 and the add-on Road to Dunkirk below.
Review for Sudden Strike 4.

Review for The Road To Dunkirk.

Road To Dunkirk on PS4 Pro

New game update details.


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