
Showing posts from September 14, 2014

Playstation Vita 2

Whatever Sony are trying to make out in the media the facts speak for themselves, the Vita is history. Why and how have Sony let what is arguably the best hand-held games console ever made slip away? I feel that Sony needed to take a big loss on the Vita and get it out to the masses from day one. I was always going to get one on launch, in fact I imported one. I love anything new and being a fan of the PSP I upgraded but I'm one of the 10% of PSP owners that have done so, so what's gone wrong? Vita is now for many a hand-held interactive toy for PS4, with the odd great indy game now and then. Remote play has come big for Sony and seeing this trend build, the new Z3 smartphone and Z3 tablet will be fully remote play ready to play PS4 games on and no doubt Playstation Now. Great. So where does this leave Vita? Sony need to come out with Vita 2 or go the way of Nvidia with the new Shield Tablet, or maybe the new Z3 tablet is the tester to see how the concept falls into