
Showing posts from June 8, 2014

May sales are in, PS4 dominates! Nearly 2 miilion copies of Watch Dogs sold on PS4!

On top of our report of the years console sales, things in the US, XBones home turf are starting to look very bleak with the PS4 sales tripling the flagging console in May. To make things worse, the Wii U outsold it by nearly 100,000 units. Playstation 4 sold a massive 577,092 while the Wii U sold 276,396, the XBone sold just 178.481. Near enough 400,000 difference. Watch Dogs was the big winner with a massive 4 million copies sold over four consoles and PC in just one week. Ubisoft will have taken note that a massive 1.86 million were sold on PS4. Nearly half. No wonder the PS4 is fast becoming the console of choice for developers. We predicted Sony would make known that over 8 million PS4 consoles have now been sold at the conference tomorrow at E3 but we now think it's more like 9 million plus?

Sony Playstation: The Return Of The King

No it's nothing to do with Elves or Hobbits, it's console sales. On the eve of the biggest games show on earth Sony have returned to the top after an 8 year battle with playing catch up with PS3 hanging around their neck. Not a bad console but it has been playing catch up with its nearest rival after some bad moves left it late, a year late before hitting retail. PS4 however has flown since launch. The console made by gamers for gamers. It sounds very cliche but true. Gamers have lapped it up shooting Sony back to the top. Vita sales have picked up with a huge attach rate for games. Sony's console sales have reached 18.7 million with Nintendo racking up 16.3 million. Microsoft trail behind with 11.6 all data taken from the financial year that has just ended. Sony have claimed that they make a small profit from PS4 so I really think a price drop is needed if only small to keep up the heat. I've no doubt that we are spilling the beans on these sales figure