
Showing posts from September 3, 2012

Counter Strike: Global Offensive PS3 Review

Bomb Planted ! Counter Strike is a Marmite game, you'll love it or you'll hate it. Call of Duty players will run to the hills, there's no care package here. Battlefield players will feel more at home with its superb team-play mechanics. Anyone who owns a half decent spec PC will have played Counter Strike, in fact if you’re into games or shooters of any kind you would have seen or played CS. It's the Daddy of all team shooters and for the first time it graces the PlayStation 3. PC fans will be feeling right at home as you can hook up your mouse and keyboard or all you sharpshooters out there can hook up your Move controllers. Even if you’re not online the bots in CS:GO will give you a very good run for your money in the robust single player mode. To be fair it's more of a boot camp for online play but all the same it's great fun. Like the previous games in the series, Global Offensive is an objective based multiplayer first person shooter.