
Showing posts from August 30, 2012

Anomaly: Warzone Earth Review

Tower Defense But In Reverse Tower defence style games have seen a surge in popularity since app stores appeared on mobile devices and there have even been tower defence style games on the Playstation Store. But now the tables are turning and we have the first ever Tower offence game where you destroy rather than defend the towers. Alien debris has rained down on earth and your platoon is charged with investigating what has happened. You must fight your way through Baghdad to what appears to be the power source but alien towers are trying to stop you reaching it. Fortunately it’s not just a case of walking through a predetermined path from the start to end. At the start of the level you can see a map of the area and have to plot a route through it, you also get to choose what type of vehicles you will use in the battle (subject to budget constraints.) You need to balance taking the quickest route through the map with taking a route through the map that passes by spec