
Showing posts from April 1, 2013

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon, April Fools or Real ?

Ubisoft posted the following video online today: The tone and timing of the video may lead you to believe that it is just an April fools joke but the DLC has been long rumoured. The accompanying Geocities inspired website further adds to the mystery. What do you think ?

GTA V Box Art Partially Revealed

A partially completed mural in New York has revealed some of the cover art for the upcoming GTA V. The mural is expected to be completed in the next day or so.

Rocket Launchers Coming to Journey

A nice Aprils fools prank by the folks over at Sony.

Brand New The Last of Us Extended Gameplay Trailer

Below is the extended version of the Last of Us gameplay trailer that was shown during the Walking Dead season finale in America last night. The PS3 is really going out with a bang.