
Showing posts from June 6, 2014

Sonys biggest E3 secret?

Monday is arguably the biggest day in the gaming calendar. E3 has for years been the maker or breaker in the gaming event that last year saw a very rare thing, Sony come out fighting in a way that many thought not possible as Microsoft stumbled about with mixed messages about their own new console. Sony made it clear, Playstation 4 was for the players, the gamers, everyone. As gamers we loved it and lapped it all up. Gamers switched console as the PS4 smashed records and has continued with this momentum right up to today. They have done this with what is arguably not the best line-up of games. But what games are out are fantastic. Infamous being one of the standout games for me. So what are we going to see? What shocks are in store? Most of all, what secrets have Sony managed to keep hidden?  One of the biggest rumours that wont go away is that for the first time Rockstar with take to Sonys stage to announce GTA V for Playstation 4. Will this come true? What have Microsof

Official PlayStation games playable at E3 2014.

Sony have posted the list of playable games at this years E3. It's huge. The list does NOT include any secret games, *cough* GTA 5, Uncharted PS4, Star Wars Battlefront, God of War PS4, The Last Guardian, The Last of Us 2 etc etc *cough* that maybe announced at the Sony press conference on Monday. (Tuesday morning at 2am UK time) Who can forget 2013? Roars from the crowd to signal the first of many Microsoft U-turns right up until 6 months after launch the XBone has been chasing it's own tail trying to catch up with Sony. PlayStation needs to come out fighting again with a huge show with no let up. Sony are expected to claim over 8 Million sales of PS4 to date. Here's the list. Aaru's Awakening (Lumenox PS3) Akiba's Trip Undead & Undressed (XSEED PS Vita) Apotheon (Alientrap PS4) Assault Android Cactus (Witchbeam Games PS4) Axiom Verge (Thomas Happ Games PS4) Big Fest (SCE / On The Metal Ltd. PS Vita) The Binding of Issac: Re