
Showing posts from October 30, 2016

Until Dawn Rush Of Blood Review

PlayStation VR is here. With it comes probably one of the biggest, if not the biggest line up of games any launch has seen. So how do you choose what games to get, what will make you feel ill? if any. I went for VR Worlds and Rush of Blood, an Until Dawn spin off. Now I remember seeing a big Internet games site saying they'd played Until Dawn on PSVR but it wasn't the game you were hoping for. This statement was so far off the mark, in fact Rush of Blood is not only brilliant, it's my first AAA VR game and the game that in fact made me happy about my £349.00 investment. And you know what? It cost £12.00. I know what your thinking, a £12.00 game justifying a £349.00 purchase? you're mad. Maybe I am or maybe the developer just nailed that feeling I wanted, that, 'I'm in the game feeling.' When you boot up the game you're greeted to a slow move down a track up to the title screen. This was the first time I yelled out in VR. My wife sitting b

PlayStation VR Review. Reality Check!

I remember sitting in a black box in an arcade with a scope in front of my face while roaming about on a map in a tank made up of neon sticks blowing up other neon stick tanks. This game was Battlezone, the arcade was at Llandudno pier, I was 11 or so. Yes that's (cough) 35 years ago.....maybe? This was my first go at a VR type game. 2016. October 13th. PlayStation VR is here. I pre-ordered in March when it first went to press. Over the few months that passed I avoided going to any of the pre-shows of PSVR, why? I'm one of these that want that, "first time" in the quiet of my own surroundings. One thing I wish I'd not done and that was watch to many VR demos on YouTube. You see VR is totally different in reality. Many users have had issues with the image like myself, in fact it took me playing with the HTC Vive before I realised that the image is all part and parcel of the VR headset. First and formost the headset itself is a design marvel. Putting it on