
Showing posts from August 14, 2013

Playstation 4 to launch October 21st 2013

Conformation at Gamescom next week? A mod-verified posted on NeoGAF posted the details, suggesting that he comes from a retail background and was privy to the PS4's release date. "Our internal product release schedule from head office dropped yesterday and on Oct 21st an unnamed Sony console will be launched," The release schedules the retailer was sent "are for internal use only, designed to allow us time to create our instore merch plans". He then added that if the launch date for a product is not yet known then it is just marked as TBA. The fact that a date was included suggests that, if true, this could indeed be the PS4's release date. The date is only ever added "when we have received confirmation of said date from the product company". We shall see soon enough. From our point of view we have said October before as Watch Dogs that has been shown constantly running on PS4 is due at the end of October and Assassins Creed i