
Showing posts from November 1, 2016

PlayStation VR Worlds Review

Many gamers have made a royal fuss over this game arguing that it should have been included with the VR headset as demo tech. In one way I agree but hey, these things cost money to develop so I'm more than happy with the £22.00 entry fee I paid for the game. It costs that to go to see a movie with the wife without eating.....go figure. I feel I've more than had my monies worth with my play time and more than that, I've had the wife on it, my son, friends and my Mum and Dad are coming for tea this week for some fun. PlayStation VR Worlds hits the nail on the head where it needs to. Something for everyone. My first experience of PSVR was Ocean Decent. It's the voyage into the deep that is simply a Shark cage ride into the depths viewing all sorts of marine life with a heart racing attack at the end to spice things up. The demo gives you your first real spacial awareness feel of how far you can move before face-planting yourself on your front room wall. I tried t