
Showing posts from August 3, 2013

Dragon's Crown sells 300,000 in three days!

Dragon's Crown the PS Vita and PS3 RPG brawler has really taken off in Japan. In just three days The PS3 game has sold over 110,000 while the Vita is close behind with over 70,000. Look out for a spike in Vita sales. The game is like an updated brawler from the past that has a look of Streets of Rage etc but it's got solid RPG elements built in. What's more it has online co-op. For anyone that's not seen the game, it's like a stunning painting in motion, quite stunning on the PS Vita. You can take a look at the game here. The game hits stateside on the 6th next week while in Europe we will get the game in two months or so. E-bay is your best bet or PlayAsia. You can get it from Amazon on both Vita and PS3 here . See the game in motion.