
Showing posts from March 19, 2013

Playstation 4 launching October 2013?

When chatting about Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag Jean Guesdon of Ubisoft fame has said that ALL versions of the game will launch in October. Has he let slip PS4's launch plans?

Assassin’s Creed III: The Betrayal DLC Trailer

Ahead of its release tomorrow a trailer for Assassin’s Creeds III: The Betrayal DLC has been posted online. The DLC will set you back £7.99 or it's free for season pass holders

New PS4 Video shows off lighting

Games tools provider Geomerics has updated its illumination and lighting tech to support PS4. They have very high praise for what Sony have done with PS4 and had this to say: "We are delighted to be working on PlayStation 4. The hardware is everything we were hoping for in a next generation console, and a huge step forward from the current generation," said Geomerics founder Chris Doran. He then added: "Real-time global illumination was a big deal for games running on the current generation of hardware, but it required developers to make some compromises. With PlayStation 4, those days are behind us,"

God of War: Ascension’s Trial of Archimedes to be Made Easier

I haven't played the latest God of War yet but based on all these tweets, the Trial of Archimedes is really hard. Tweets about "Trial of Archimedes" Sony Santa Monica have confirmed that the level will be made easier on normal difficulty The Trials of Archimedes will still be HARD on HARD, we are tweaking primarily for Normal, so to all, you can still have it the HARD WAY — Sony Santa Monica (@SonySantaMonica) March 18, 2013 But the question we want to ask is should it ? As someone who has the Platinum on Operation Flashpoint I know a thing or two about hard games. Let us know in the comments.