Hellblade dev marked World Mental Health Day by donating game sales to charity

This is old but something that needs to mentioned again. Developer Ninja Theory marked World Mental Health Day by donating all proceeds from today's sales of the game (October 10th) to mental health charity, Rethink.

Rethink is a UK organization that supports and campaigns for those severely affected by mental health issues. The group wants to help those affected by the invisible illness by challenging and changing attitudes.

Hellblade's protagonist Senua, suffers from psychosis, and both critics and fans have praised the way the game delicately and intelligently represents the condition.

Ninja Theory has put together a new game trailer for the occassion, but instead of featuring buzzwords and marketing jargon, this one spotlights messages sent in by Hellblade players keen to share their own mental health experiences.

Donations will only be taken (after sales tax and platform fees) from PS4 and PC purchases made on October 10, so if you've been waiting for a good opportunity to dive into Hellblade, now's the time.


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