Xbox Scorpio............Playstation 4 PRO.........Sony needs no reaction.

So the Xbox Scorpio is soon to be here. It's a power house. BUT Microsoft forgot one major factor when showing off the power of, exclusive console selling games. Whats more is where the Xbox one fits into all this?

Sony must have been looking on waiting for some massive exclusives to back up this power showing but what they are chatting about is how good the sub full HD games will now look on Scorpio, games that gamers have finished and forgotten. Sure new games are on the way but unless you own a 4K TV why bother when your Xone will do the job. Price is going to be high, $499 is talked about and Sony WILL drop the price of PRO and could even bring out a slimmer version of the 4K console.
Horizon on PS4 Pro is stellar, stunning to look at, fast frame rates and more importantly.........exclusive to Sony. Sony has some huge exclusives over the next year where as Microsoft has 3 or 4 that when all said and done are hardly going to help the sales of a new console.

Microsoft have not learnt from its Xbox One mistakes. Sony came out swinging with games games games. Again Microsoft have come out with confusing messages and where this leaves Xbox one.
I predict a bottleneck in sales with One sales fading even further behind PS4 with Scorpio gaining some Xoxone 4K TV owners but average Jo will buy a cheaper PS4 PRO thinking they are both the same thing regards power as the average Jo doesn't give a hoot about the most terra flops or "now with less screen tearing on older games".

Games sell consoles. Sony know this....................Microsoft don't seem to grasp this.........Forza 4K anyone??........anyone??


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