Pornstation 4 . PornHub app may included "rumble features" Nice!

PornHub are chatting with Sony about maybe having an official app. If this happens it will be a massive advantage over the sex starved Xbox One.

What's the world coming too?

Here's the full interview.

International Digital Times: Why PlayStation 4?

Corey Price: We like to stay ahead of the curve and offer our users the ability to view porn from all platforms!

Is the company currently taking any steps toward preparation of a dedicated Pornhub app that would be available for download on the PlayStation Network?

We're looking into a number of options to work with Sony in developing the first adult app for PS4.

Does the company plan to charge users for access to whatever Pornhub content is made available to PS4 users? If so, will membership grant access on both PC and PS4?

Absolutely not, we pride ourselves on being able to offer our users the ability to watch pornhub for free across all platforms, including consoles!

Will PlayStation 4 users be added to any of Pornhub's various keyword releases, either regionally or as a single population, once the service has been available for a few months?

This isn't currently in our plans, but you never know what will come up going forward.

Does Pornhub have any plans to prevent malware from being spread to the PlayStation 4, which we're told closely mimics PC architecture, via the company's new PS4 portal?

We work day and night to make sure that Pornhub is malware free. We have a dedicated team that constantly scans our servers to make sure our users are safe from malware no matter what device they wish to access our site from. We are completely confident in saying that this will not be a problem.

Do you know if Pornhub content creators could make use of PS4 peripherals, like the rumble motor inside the DualShock 4, for more-interactive viewing experiences?

Rumble pack support is definitely something we're looking into, and hope to offer!

Do you envision Pornhub releasing its own line of PlayStation 4 accessories?

Down the line, this is a definite possibility. Our biggest focus was being able to support the system. Now that we've achieved this, we'll work on advancements and different products and accessories.... We can only imagine the fantastic possibilities!

How does Pornhub plan to compete with rival services, like Netflix or Amazon Video, that already have an established presence in the PlayStation ecosystem?

Well, they don't have porn and we do! Everyone loves porn, we're happy to live in harmony with them.

Will Pornhub take any extra steps to try and mitigate the number of underage users who successfully access Pornhub content via the PS4?

This was a definite concern of ours from the outset, but the PS4 system has many parental controls. We encourage all parents who are buying their kids PS4's to be responsible and know the devices capabilities, and properly use these controls. We follow all rules set forth by the ASACP and contain the RTA (Restricted to Adults) label across all of our pages.

Has Sony reached out to Pornhub in any form or fashion since the company began publicly supporting the PlayStation 4?

We unfortunately can't disclose that information. Any correspondence between Pornhub and Sony would be confidential.


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