Playstation 4 trouncing Xbox One in console and games pre-orders in the US

Stats from the US show poor numbers for exclusives on xbox one with the biggest shock going to Titanfall with only 50,347. Sony Exclusive Killzone Shadow Fall beats Ryse, Dead Rising 3 and TitanFall with change left over. I can only see Titanfall being a timed exclusive if numbers stay like this.

This is the Xbox Ones home territory. PS4 out performs every game bar Call of Duty, once again the xbox will be home to COD but PS4 numbers are not far behind. The number of Battlefield 4 pre-orders on PS4 trounces the Xbox One numbers.

On the console front PS4 is still out in front with 725,000 and Xbox at 525,000. Worldwide PS4 numbers now stand at well over 1.5 million units.
Take a look at the numbers here.

PlayStation 4 – Top 10 Pre-orders
1.  Call of Duty: Ghosts - 298,180
2. Battlefield 4 - 273,766
3. Killzone: Shadow Fall - 250,155
4. Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag - 213,354
5. Watch Dogs - 153,569
6. Destiny - 89,970
7. Madden NFL 25 - 81,119
8. NBA 2K14 - 59,592
9. inFAMOUS: Second Son - 57,562
10. Knack - 40,982

Xbox One – Top 10 Pre-orders
1. Call of Duty: Ghosts - 329,032
2. Battlefield 4 - 153,221
3. Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag - 137,928
4. Watch Dogs - 95,314
5.  Forza Motorsport 5 - 90,573
6.  Dead Rising 3 - 86,648
7. Ryse: Son of Rome - 82,888
8. Destiny - 66,448
9. Madden NFL 25 - 58,870
10. Titanfall - 50,347

All info from VGChartz.


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