Weekly Roundup March 18 - 24

Incase you missed anything here are the important things that happened this week ...


The first Battlefield 4 promotional image appeared online

Quickly followed by a teaser for the trailer

The BioShock Infinite TV Advert found its way online

Pottermore is coming to Home


Sony Santa Monica Confirmed God of War: Ascension’s Trial of Archimedes Will be Made Easier

A video was released showing the lighting effects on the PS4

PlayStation 4 might be launching in October 2013


Final Fantasy XV is PS4 Exclusive 


PS3 Firmware 4.40 Was Released

A Battlefield 4 Teaser Site Was Launched


Could this be the PS4 ?

Battlefield 4 Sea Combat Trailer

Europe's PS+ Goodies for April Detailed

100+ Vita Games are Coming this Year


Infamous Second Son is coming to the PS4

Diablo 3 Gameplay Footage

Battlefield 4 Will be Set in Shanghai


New Borderlands 2 DLC is Coming


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